Top Tips for Preserving the Beauty Of Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy flooring is widely considered these days. They make for an excellent option when it comes to building a floor for restaurants and eateries. Furthermore these kinds of flooring are great options for industrial and healthcare spaces. It’s been decades since this kind of flooring is used and the top reasons for choosing it are durability, anti-slipping properties and reliability. The polymers applied on the concrete surfaces add life to the floor. However, after the installation it is vital that routine maintenance be performed at regular intervals so that the epoxy can last for an extended period of time. Here are tips on how you can preserve epoxy flooring:

Routine maintenance

Like we have said routine maintenance is a must. Adding epoxy to the existing floor doesn’t mean it will last even if you don’t maintain it. Take a broom preferably with soft bristles or better if you can take the commercial mop. Use the tools to get rid of loose debris and dirt. Make sure you clean the floor every day to avoid abrasions.

Heavy-duty cleaning

This is one of the most effective ways to ensure the epoxy floor stays unscratched and beautiful. After you have swept off the debris and dirt, get a bucket full of hot water, hard foam mop and ammonia. Make a mixture of the ingredients and apply it on spills and stains. Furthermore you can hose down the residues and leave it to dry.

Choosing suitable cleaning products

As it comes to choosing cleaning products it is vital that you select cleaners which do not contain acidic elements or acid. Soap based cleaners too aren’t considered ideal for the job. A major reason why they should be avoided is because such cleaning products leave residues which can further make the floor slippery.


Call up Epoxy flooring in Melbourne if you think you can’t handle the stains alone. For a DIY cleaning project you may need performing light scrubbing using a scrub pad. However, as you approach the work make sure you don’t use any kind of abrasive cleaners.

Using mats

Did you know most of the epoxy floors get damaged due to traffic? Shoes often bring in mud, snow and water. So that these external elements don’t track in it is vital that you place welcome mats near the door. In addition, some compounds used for treating the floor during winter, can leave blurry film on the surface. Use hot water as well as a deck brush for extra rinsing so that the film can be driven away. For a more effective treatment you can call up experts offering Epoxy Floor Paint in Melbourne.

These are ways to keep the floor shining and beautiful throughout the year.


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