Why Is Epoxy the Most Ideal Variety of Garage Flooring?

Garage floors are meant to live with a lot of dust and dirt that the tyres of your car will bring in from outside. A lot of screeches and tyre pressure resulting from the sudden blast of brakes are supposed to take a heavy toll on the garage floors if they are not built strongly.

Thus, when it comes to protecting the floors of your garage, going for epoxy flooring is the best way. But why?

Because of the…

The durability and strength factor

If your garage floor is concrete, covering them with an epoxy coating will make them all the more resistant to the natural wear and tear, thus saving you from the periodic maintenance expenses. The epoxy layer will be stout enough to withstand the pressure of the tyres and effect of dirt and dust, grease and grimes. And the most important thing is that a typical epoxy garage flooring in Melbourne can be cleaned in a jiffy and it does not need much to do that. Thus, it also saves your cleaning time and expenses. So you see, when you have epoxy flooring in your garage, it gives you two-pronged financial benefits.

They are aesthetically richer

These epoxy floors come in various shades, patterns, and textures. Thus, you can select the colour and the pattern as per your aesthetic preference, thus turning your garage from a dumb box room to something visually more appealing. Indeed, coloured epoxy garage flooring will be pretty pleasing – visually, augmenting the value of your property by manifold, should you ever plan to resale it.

They are chemically resistant

These floors are resistant to various chemicals. Thus, even if you have brake oil or lubricant or fuel and other fluid-spills on the flooring, it will not make any difference. They will neither create any health hazard nor will work upon the floor, damaging it. Removing the stains from the flooring can be done in a jiffy and once you are done with the cleaning, the floor will be as good as new.

They are safe

They are slip-resistant and hence will not result in skidding of tyre of tripping and slipping of any of your family members. Moreover, they are fire-resistant and will remain unhindered even in case of the extreme impact of something heavy falling on the floor or other mishaps. 

They lower tyre maintenance

Lastly, since epoxy floor paints available in Melbourne like in any other part of the world are smooth, they will not result in too much friction with the tyres and hence, depreciation of the tyres also lowers significantly, thereby lowering your car maintenance cost as well.


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