A General Guide to Protect Epoxy Garage Flooring

Do not think that your task is done once you are done with epoxy flooring of your garage. If the flooring was done by the specialists, it is your responsibility to maintain it and ensure that the flooring lasts long enough to justify your investment.

The Fundamentals of Maintenance

Epoxy floors, in general, are obdurate and resilient enough to last for long. They are extremely durable and can withstand rough handling and high traffic. In fact, that is the reason, it is best to turn to epoxy flooring for your garage. Even warehouses turn to epoxy flooring for their warehouses where they store their heavy machinery, large tools, and vehicles. Though extremely durable, these floors are pretty easy to maintain. All you need to do is maintain some elementary ground rules.

Keep the Surface Free From Grit & Dirt

When you have epoxy flooring for your garage, you need to be pretty cautious about the accumulation of grit, grime, and dirt on the flooring because of the movement of your car. They will not only stick on the floor stubbornly, but they will also cause scratches on the floor subsequently if allowed to stay. Yes, you will have these grit and grime on the floor when you have a car in your garage, but you need to get rid of all the dirt and dust. Remember, though these epoxy floors are stubborn, multiple and continuous scratches on the floor will weaken then gradually, and they will subsequently start showing the damage and start eroding at one point in time.

Refrain from using soap-rich cleaning agents

Do not use soap-based cleaners on your epoxy garage flooring. They tend to leave a haze on the flooring, which gradually shows up over time. These floors do not require soap. Just a proper mop or deck-scrubbing along with warm water will be more than enough. If you need to be extra cautious and want to go for some extra scrubbing, you can use things like soft soap.

Do some spot cleaning

Quite often you will need to merely vacuum or sweep a small area on the floor with some or stain at the earliest. This spot cleaning or vacuuming will remove the dirt and grime at the earliest, leaving the floor clean and stopping the spill from getting stuck to the floor stubbornly. You can use a vacuum to clean up the spot with the help of warm water and a clean mop. These floors are highly resistant to water, and it is very easy to clean using warm water.

When it comes to cleaning a heavily soiled floor, the experts of companies that clean garage flooring in Melbourne will use a vacuum to remove all the stains and grime and then sweep the floor thoroughly to get rid of all the spills and stains. After that, the pros will use a hard mop and warm water to do all the cleaning.  They at times use a clean ammonia-water mixture for a second mopping. 

Final words of caution

Do not wait for long before you summon a professional cleaner. Do not let the car spills rest on the epoxy floor for too long. Engine and brake oils, spilled fuels is potentially harmful to epoxy flooring. These professionals will be able to take prompt and adequate action to remove all the dirt from the flooring and make it look as fresh and clean as new.


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