
Showing posts from February, 2023

How to Coat a Garage Floor With Epoxy?

Looking to give your garage floor one last polish? Every time you step into your garage to get into your automobile, a bright, shining epoxy floor coating will make you and your automobile feel like you're entering a showroom. Epoxy garage flooring is a worthwhile investment since it not only completes the professional appearance but also repels beads water, oil stains, and wipes clean like a kitchen counter. Here’s how to epoxy your garage floor using 4 steps. Step 1: Prepare and wash the garage flooring Placing plastic sheeting on the walls along the foundation's edge or at the altitude where the epoxy will be applied up the walls requires the use of painter's tape. To get rid of dust and debris, properly sweep the floor. Dust all the seams and nooks with an old brush. Step 2: Prepare the epoxy paint Pour the hardener into the epoxy paint and start stirring. Ensure that you thoroughly scrape the hardener into the paint. The two ingredients should be thoroughly combi...